Winston...Pedal Faster... |
The CGI Didn't have Enough Sand:
The action in the trailer is its strongest selling point no doubt. But when that giant Dust Bowl sandstorm showed up, I half expected Brendan Fraser to fly out of it. The desert cyclones and slow-mo Matrix nod at the end of the trailer didn't help.
No Mel Gibson:
The Die Hard series kept Bruce Willis, Star Wars is getting the band
back together, and Terminator cant go on without Arnold (Expendables brings everyone back). Mel Gibson's absence may very well hurt the movie, or maybe its the best thing this movie has going for it....
This was the best part of the trailer... |
Why is it that this title makes me think of...Mario Kart: Rainbow Road
The Really Deep Plot:
One of my favorite aspects of the original movies are the chase sequences. Fury Road clearly has plenty of that. But might they overdo it? I realize this is a reboot, meaning we're supposed to know where it's going, but Im not getting a whole lot of plot out of this trailer. Im hoping this movie isn't all "Fury Road," because then they should just call it the Fast and the Furious Down Under: Fury Road...
Who knows, maybe this movie will be way better then its predecessors. After all this movie is cutting strait to the Road Warrior type action. I can't wait to see this movie and its sequels...
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