Friday, February 27, 2015

4 Thoughts On: House of Cards, Season 3 Premiere...Doug Calm Down...

           House of Cards is back, and this season didn't waste much time. As you may remember, Frank's the my thoughts...(and I forgot how dark this show that I literally mean the brightness is way down, even during daytime shots...anyways...)
Hugh Laurie was asked to played Doug in some scenes the way Andy
Serkis played Gollum...

The Opener:
Ok so Frank didn't kill anyone this time, but he did completely desecrate the grave of his father...

Holy Crap Doug Survived:
Admit thought he was totally dead last season. It's ok, so did I, But thankfully the most reliable character (next to Frank) is still in the game. Interestingly, Doug's a lot more like Doctor House now:
1. He uses a cane the same way

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Update On: The Alien Sequel...Some Dreams Do Come True...

          Our greatest dreams are going to come true. Neill Blomkanp and Sigourney Weaver have confirmed that Ripley will be played by Sigourney Weaver and that the new Alien movie will come after Aliens (1986). This means we will all get to do something we've longed pretend Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection don't exist...Here are some additional thoughts...
I can see it!!!

Hicks Must Come Back, and He must be Played By Michael Biehn:
Last we saw him, he was wounded by Xenomorph acid and resting on the Sulaco. Given that the movie will have to explain why everyone's aged so much, he should be ready for action (plus the concept art has him still wearing armor).

Newt Must Come Back, And That Can Be Someone New: 
I don't recall Carrie Henn doing a lot after Aliens, so we can all live without her. You may now debate who should take the role...Henn is 38 so it has to be someone about that age... Jessica Chastain?...Emily Blunt?

I hope they recast the same alien...
Bishop Must Come Back and He Must Be Played By Lance Henricksen:
Yes he's 74, but who cares, Arnold will be in his 70's if he keeps doing Terminators (which he has said he'll do, tangent...). Bishop was in bad shape after being being cut in half by the Xenomorph queen, but I'm sure he'll be fixed in no time...

Most Importantly...There MUST be Pulse Rifles:
This is one of the best guns in all of science fiction, I better see Ripley and Hicks running around with those...and flamethrowers...

           Now that Sigourney is back, the rest of the cast should follow. Anyhow...we can all breathe a sigh of one has to defend the whole second half of the Alien series anymore...

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Thoughts On: The Power Rangers By Adi Shankar...Next Level...

           Many of us grew up with the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers...but not like this. Producer Adi Shankar (The Grey, Dredd, etc) put together a small bootleg film about what happened to the Rangers after the Machine Empire (they came after Lord Zedd, remember?) invades Earth. It shows Kimberly being interrogated by Rocky (the 2nd Red Ranger) who, after betraying the Rangers to work for the Empire, is looking for Tommy (the Green Ranger). Over the course of Kimberly's interrogation, the film shows the ultimate fates of every Ranger...
Even I want that new Pink Ranger helmet...

The Opening Combat Scene:
...We got to see the original Rangers in combat with Zords no less. The style definitely reminded me of Cloverfield...and Tommy's body shield looked so much better then I remember it...

The Original Ranger's:
Jason nooooooo...
I'm recapping incase the video's down by the time you read this...your welcome. Jason marry's Kimberly and is killed in a shootout caused by Bulk and Skull (who betray them, to the Empire). Billy (Blue Ranger) is a billionaire and committed suicide. Trini,(Yellow
Ranger), died before all this (all the rangers attend her funeral). Zack (Black Ranger) gets rich off work out videos, works for the

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Thoughts On: Better Call Saul Episode 4...Saulgoodman...

           Lets get right to it...

We Know Where The Name Comes From:
Jimmy revealed that his name is a play on words from his con days. The only question now is, why will he bring it back?... If anything, this show has made it clear how much he cares about the use of his name...

Mike's Back In The Booth:
Seeing as how Mike and Jimmy
didn't have the most loving relationship in Breaking Bad, it's no

Monday, February 23, 2015

Thoughts On: The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 11...Finally...

           If you told me that The Walking Dead would be better than watching the Oscars...I wouldn't have believed you. After two sleepy episodes the show picked up two new characters and sent our heroes to yet another thoughts...
...and that's how I feel about him...

Maybe You Trust The New Guy, But I Don't:
Rick is absolutely right to have been as cautious as he was. Ok, maybe punching that guy in the face was a bit far, but you know what I mean. Maybe the exposure on Aaron's camera took long, but I still think it's suspicious that there weren't any people in his photos. Plus the sounds of children playing could just be coming out

6 Thoughts On: The Oscars...The Awkwardness Never Ended...

           I've never felt so awkward watching an Oscars. It was full of racial tension, cheap jokes that, I'll admit, I didn't completely understand, and stormtroopers. I feel like every year I forget how long the Oscars are too. Though this one seemed to last forever, it wasn't without its notable they are...
I didn't even need to photoshop this, it was great by itself...

John Travolta Has Probably Been Slapped With a Restraining Order: 
What in the world was Travolta thinking?...he got something that few people ever do...a chance to redeem an absolute embarrassment. The "Adele Dazeem" incident was on the verge of forgiveness. Instead, he managed to single handedly make us forget about that by doing something even worse...literally breaking the bubble space of poor

Friday, February 20, 2015

Thoughts On: Oscar Predictions...The Winners Are...

           The Oscar's are upon us, so it's finally time for the Random Screen Guy Blog to present those predictions. lets have at it...
The directors cut of Boyhood...

Best Picture: Boyhood
Birdman, while worthy, won't win because I think it's too artsy for the voters, which is a shame, or maybe the voters just got tired of those drums...but there seem to be two front runners, The Imitation Game and The Theory of Everything...The winner will therefore be...Boyhood. Everyone says the movie wouldn't have been anything great had it been
made over several months with

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Thoughts On: Alien Sequel...Niell Blomkamp Style

           News has just broke regarding 20th Century Fox's decision to approve an Alien sequel. Who do we have to thank for this...Niell Blomkamp (District 9, Elysium). You may remember he had some concept art for said movie end up online. Some big thoughts on this movie...
Also unconfirmed...a Far Cry Blood Dragon connection...

Only If You Get Sigourney Back:
I know she hasn't been confirmed as being onboard with this...that said, if she isn't Ellen Ripley, then no one should be. I would have Fox scrap the whole thing before I watch anyone else take on that role. Plus Blomkamp's concept art has Sigourney in it...

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Thoughts On: Better Call Saul Episode 3...More Sexy Robot Voice

         Well now the show is picking up. I don't mind saying that this was probably the best one so far...and Mike has done what everyone keeps wishing that Morgan from The Walking Dead would do...Join...the...plot...
Kim is also a promising character...hope she found her own way to Cinnabon

The Plot Is Unfolding Quite Well:
From the robot voice to the camping scene, this episode gave me a solid feel for the show's pace going forward. That said, I'm really glad this show hasn't made Saul's court room drama, a main part of the show. I knew things were going to get better when Nacho said he wasn't the one who kidnapped the Brady Bunch.

The Flash Back:
We finally got our first

Monday, February 16, 2015

Thoughts On: The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 10...Anyone Else Thirsty Or Sleepy?

          How can this happen. Its like every time there's a barn on this show everything goes in slow motion. This was a weak episode even by season two farm standards... here are my thoughts...

For a moment Rick forgot what show he was on...
1. Grieving Over Beth:
Why in the world would the show have all the grieving over Beth happen now and not last week? Not that I don't care for Beth, but I was over her death by week one. Plus having Sasha and Maggie both grieve in the same episode didn't add much (to be honest Sasha was down right irritating).

2. Just Surviving Isn't A Plot, And This Show Needs One:
I get that "surviving on the road" adds risk to the show (case in point Tyreese), but watching our

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Thoughts On: Fifty Shades of Grey, AKA Fifty Ways to Waste My Time...

           I just had to go and see this one... We'll I didn't read the book and I can't say this movie inspires me to try it. This is officially my first waste of time movie of 2015 (I'm happy to say I skipped Jupiter Ascending). well, here you thoughts...
Christian Grey? Don Draper? Ya I don't see the similarities either...

1. Are They Going To Send Me The Plot in The Mail?: 
I have no idea what this was about. This movie started unbelievably fast (no really, I couldn't believe it) and from there became an extended "will she, won't she," "no means yes" version of the trailer. If I had to explain the plot to someone in brief, I would say it's... about two people who fall into the most awkwardly unrealistic

Friday, February 13, 2015

Thought's On: The Losses of Bob Simon, Brian Williams, and Jon Stewart

          This has proven to be quite a week for television as we have lost two renown newsmen and are due to lose a third (sort of)....My thoughts...
Bob simon 60 minutes
Bob Simon (1941-2015):
Considering he survived Vietnam and a 40 day captivity during the Gulf War it's difficult to accept that a car accident would end such an accomplished life. The sound of Simon's voice on 60 Minutes usually meant I needed to shut up and pay attention (which I thankfully did). I don't know why, but I'll remember him best for all the reports he did on animals...

Brian Williams (Career, 1981-2015):
This week we also saw the end of what was considered a very promising career. Apparently one too many RPG's hit Brian William's helicopter during the Iraq War. Either way, just watching old footage of Bob Simon's work really makes one cringe when compared to Brian William's tall tales.
Brian Williams the daily show jon stewart

Jon Stewart (The Daily Show, 1999-2015):
Ok, ok, so he's still around...but not for long. In all honesty after Colbert went, and word of Stewart's expiring contract made this weeks departure announcement kind of a foregone conclusion. Where am I going to get my political satire from now?...and who should replace him? Hot Tub Time Machine 2's mock Jessica Williams segment was cute but shouldn't come true...and HBO claimed John Oliver already so I really don't know what Comedy Central is going to do now...

           Well, the show must go on. 60 Minutes will undoubtably pay the finest of tributes to Simon, and hopefully Brian Williams spends his suspension time thinking about a career change...Let's hope that change doesn't land him as the new host of The Daily Show...

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Thoughts On: Better Call Saul Episode 2, Tight, Tight, Tight

Maybe Walt and Jessse got started before we thought...
           Let me start by saying that it took Breaking Bad about 6 episodes to really pick up. It's hard to say where Better Call Saul is on its momentum scale (given that its a prequel series), but its definitely getting there. This episode really solidified how much Saul's life sucks, and reminded us how much Tuco doesn't like being punked...

Tuco Trauma:
This episode made one recall the time when Tuco beat down his friend to death in Breaking Bad (leaving

Monday, February 9, 2015

Thoughts On: Better Call Saul Premiere...It Was Better Than The Walking Dead

           Any one who has seen Breaking Bad understands how important this show is. The big question on everyone's mind is, how will this stack up to BB? Well not too bad actually...

Anybody else recognize Saul's brother from the X-Files?
The Black and White Scene:
The opening scene was excellent, why? Well if you think about it, it was really a glimpse into the Breaking Bad timeline. If the show keeps that timeline and develops any plot with it, theres no reason   why someone like Jesse can't make an appearance at some point (although I don't know how he'd make it to Nebraska). Saul looked a lot like Walter did in hiding. The fact that Gilligan was willing to start the show this way is very promising...

Tuco is Back:
Well I didn't see that coming. My initial thought is that he (and Saul) can't die so I hope the next

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Thoughts On: The Walking Dead Premiere... Didn't They Cancel Lost?

           Well, its finally back, The Walking Dead season 5 B. How did it go? Well I've said it time and again, this show is a slow burner. This episode spent half its time self reflecting rather than...well not self reflecting. Plus it seems like The Walking Dead found out Better Call Saul was going to have a good cameo, so they beat them to it. However, when a somewhat meaningless cameo appearance by the Governor is one of the highlights of your episode...that can't be are my thoughts...
There were many cameos on this episode...

Tyreese' Demise:
Tyreese practically got his own episode of Lost (I half expected Jacob and Jack's dad to show up). I have absolutely nothing against him, but he isn't really important enough of a character to warrant spending an entire episode on his death (and a bunch of people he met). A lot of his history came up but...
1. I didn't even care about his conflict with Carol when that happened...and
2. I don't even remember his specific interactions with the Governor being so meaningful that he would hallucinate about them when facing death...
All things considered, he got a pretty good send off. I can't imagine what the show will do for Rick or Daryl if and when they go out...

Still Talking Morality:
This episode devoted a considerable amount of time to discussing the morality of the Beth/ Dawn

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Thoughts On: The Walking Dead, First 2 Premiere Minutes

           I have to give these 2 minutes some credit. There was more direction and pace in this clip then in many episodes this show has produced. I still can't tell if all that lens flare and choppy editing was useful, but at least I wasn't falling asleep. Heres 1 thought...

Outside Richmond Virginia:
...Well at least we know where the show is going. Like I've said a couple times now, Eugene really wasted hours of my life. Im hoping

Monday, February 2, 2015

4 Thoughts On: Super Bowl Spots, Nods, and Raptors

           The Super Bowl brought some great previews (ok I wouldn't go straight to great) and nods to old shows, here you go...

Jurassic World Spot:
There was a time when the raptor was one of my worst fears, but apparently it can be tamed and reasoned opinion on this one is unchanged...Although I'm starting to really get on board with the Chris Pratt as the new Indiana Jones idea...
Breaking Bad's Walter White:
... no this never gets old...yes it could have used Aaron Paul...and yes we needed this because Better