Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Thoughts On: The Walking Dead, First 2 Premiere Minutes

           I have to give these 2 minutes some credit. There was more direction and pace in this clip then in many episodes this show has produced. I still can't tell if all that lens flare and choppy editing was useful, but at least I wasn't falling asleep. Heres 1 thought...

Outside Richmond Virginia:
...Well at least we know where the show is going. Like I've said a couple times now, Eugene really wasted hours of my life. Im hoping
Noah doesn't let me down too... and what does it say that the entire group is going to an entirely new place because of someone they just met? hard times... So what will "Outside Richmond" be like? If we look back at all the great places our heroes have encountered...
1. The Farm...zombie infested
2. The Prison...zombie infested
3. Woodbury...Governor infested and then zombie infested
4. Terminus...cannibal and then zombie infested
5. The Hospital...crazy cop infested
I'm feeling a real trend here, but my prediction is that "Outside Richmond" will be completely fine, no villains, and especially no zombies...

          May this season take us somewhere worthwhile, and don't kill Rick...or Daryl...or Michonne...

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