Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Leftovers Season 2, Episode 4...We've Been Rickrolled...

          Remember how slow the first season of The Leftovers felt? Remember how you kept having to re-watch episodes because you either fell asleep or didn't understand it? Well as of episode 4, I'm happy to report that those days are well behind us... (ok maybe we're still confused) This episode started with yet another alternate view of the earthquake. I gotta say, Norah's reaction was pretty damn priceless (and that crazy rotating camera shot was damn awesome), because you can't blame her for thinking there was...

1. A Second Departure...

Those students from MIT said it could happen again, and if we're to believe Patti, it did. The three missing girls could very well be proof of a small scale departure. This is an awesome development because it basically craps all over Miracle's street cred while potentially demonstrating that groups of people (large and small) can go missing at any time. Assuming we take Patti's word for it (because lets be honest, this could all be Kevin's imagination), this presents the following questions and conclusions...

1. Kevin's dad has probably been completely sane this whole time
2. How does Patty know the girls departed?

Monday, October 26, 2015

The Walking Dead Season 6 Episode 3...It Just Can't Be True...

           SPOILERS await, but if your not caught up by now... So there I was minding my own business...having a good time watching The Walking Dead... watching Rick's group basically play zombie run. Things were going great when the seemingly impossible unfolded before my eyes...

After attempting to distract a fast approaching zombie horde, Glenn and Nicholas decide to burn down a nearby building. That plan fails immediately after the two discover the building has already burned to the ground. Which brings us to the episode's main moment...

Glenn and Nicholas end up cornering themselves down an alley. With a horde of zombies blocking their way, the two shoot several zombies and soon after...climb on top of a dumpster. Suffering from heavy guilt and PTSD, Nicholas shoots himself in the head...falling into the horde...taking Glenn down with him. The final shots we see are of Glenn screaming with what look like intestines being ripped from somewhere closely positioned to his body...The show certainly came

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awaken's Trailer... The Plot Revealed?...Maybe

           By now you've probably seen the Star Wars trailer 50 million times and debated which parts are the best. You've probably argued left and right about the whereabouts of Luke Skywalker and decided that Kylo Ren's lightsaber is useful after all. So, instead of telling you how happy I was to see Princess Leia, I've decided to have some fun theorizing about one thing we got the least of...the plot. I give you (based on what we've seen from the teasers, trailer, toys, and poster)...part 1 of Random Screen Guy's rough plot for Star Wars: The Force Awakens...

Possible Plot 1 Part 1:

           The scroll begins with talk of the First Order retaking the galaxy, and a comment about how the rebels, now called the Resistance, are in disarray...
           The movie introduces us to Rey, a scavenger who sells stuff at garage sales on the weekends and... is related to non other than Luke Skywalker (and Leia), but doesn't take the relation seriously because Luke is just a 'crazy old wizard'... plus...she's never met him...and isn't even sure he's alive. One day while heading for her next junk run, she meets a droid dealer. Realizing she needs a new droid, she buys BB-8.
           Meanwhile, Finn, a young man raised to be a stormtrooper, sees first hand the harsh treatment implemented by the First Order. Over the course of defecting from the First Order, he shoots up his unit. After being shot down in a skirmish (over planet Jakku), he

The Leftovers Season 2 Episode 3...Back in Business

           Well now we know what's going on with Tommy and Laurie...Here are my thoughts on The Leftover's episode 3...

Drums, Bird Man Style:

When those drums played at the beginning, I thought I was getting PTSD from Birdman or somethin. But they served as the perfect contrast between the new spring in Laurie's step and the Guilty Remnant's silence. Nowhere were these drums better applied than during Laurie's mission to take back her computer...

Where Is My Mind?:

Yet another auditory observation. This is now the second time this song has been played this season. The first was played to the scene of Kevin digging up Patty. This new piano version serves as Laurie's theme. I vote for this song to make a final appearance...

I'm Liking This Non Linear Story Telling Stuff:

The first part of this episode proved to be somewhat of a flash back. We got to see what Laurie and Tommy's experience's have been leading up to the meeting with Jill. These non linear episode's are

The Leftovers: Season 2 Episode 2...What's Going On Here?

           Episode 2 was a mix of old, new, and creepy. We pick up right at the end of season one, with the discovery of Holy Wayne's baby. From there Kevin, Jill, and Norah travel to the super hard to visit town of Miracle, where the plot catches up with the premiere episode. Oh, and it wouldn't be The Leftovers without Patty hallucinations and random moments of Kevin staring off into space.

Geography? What The Heck?:

According to the students who bought Norah's house, geography had something to do with those who disappeared during the departure. This information didn't really help much (that student could have said the departure was a matter of pizza), what really got my attention was the possibility that the departure could happen again...

How Are Laurie And Tom Going To Effect Kevin's Story?:

This is more of a question than anything that came up in the episode... If Kevin is taking the family to the super guarded, hard to get to, mob run, house burning town of Miracle... then how might Laurie

The Leftovers Season 2 Premiere...I'm Already Confused

           Just when I think I've figured out the meaning of life, The Leftovers shows up to confuse me again. After a depressing (in a good way) and intriguing first season, The Leftovers is back to show us more of a world recovering from the disappearance of 2 million people. The show didn't exactly start off to a familiar tune, here are my thoughts on the premiere of season 2...

The Intro Theme...:

...has been replaced. Which sucks because I actually liked the original one. I wasn't thrilled with the song either. Thats really all I have to say about it...

The Dawn Of Man:

I definitely didn't expect the show to start this way. When that woman first got up from her campfire, I thought we'd witness an ancient

Sunday, October 18, 2015

'The Walking Dead'...S6E2...Wolves!

           Episode 2 was pretty intense, I'll just get to it... Here are my thoughts on the latest Walking Dead...        

1. The Wolves Attack, Holy Crap:

This is exactly the kind of thing I needed to keep this show interesting. The attack on Alexandria came out of nowhere and greatly changed the shows pace. While it was the best part of the episode, I'm actually a bit
torn...here's why... the violence. Actually, violence would probably be an understatement... it was down right gory. Don't get me wrong this show has always had plenty of that. What caught my attention this episode was that the violence was practically all human on human. I mean, we straight up saw the wolves cutting peoples limbs off... and dead humans get a knife to the head the same way I casually swipe my debit card. This begs the question... Is this show getting so

The Star Wars Poster Is Awesome, And I Want One...

           The Poster for Star Wars: the Force Awakens was released this morning and it easily lives up to expectations. Here are some thoughts on its contents...

Princess Leia Is in the House: 

Not including the Comic-con behind the scenes footage, this is the first time we've seen Princess Leia. To make it all the more awesome she's sporting a weird new hairdo.

Is That A Freaken Death Star?:

That looks a lot like a revamped Death Star to me, complete with a new crazy looking canon. As far as I know, a new

Monday, October 12, 2015

The Walking Dead is Back With a Strong Premiere...

The original Walking Dead is finally back...Which means a lot more to me these days because Fear The Walking Dead just didn't satisfy. Here are my thoughts on the season 6 premiere...

1. The Black And White Flash Backs Worked:
They won't be doing this every episode, but it sure worked for this one. One of the problems I've always had with past seasons is that some episodes are damn slow. The alternating time lines kept the pace much more interesting. I think if this episode had been done in it's usual linear fashion, scene's like the one with Judith would have bored me a bit. Also, the fact that some scene's

Monday, October 5, 2015

Fear The Walking Dead, Finale Review: The Best and Worst...

           I'll just get right to it...the season 1 finale for Fear The Walking Dead was the best episode in the series thus far (which honestly isn't saying much). It had a faster pace and included a zombie horde that would make Rick proud. Here are the best and worst from episode 6...

(Best-ish) Daniel, Madison, and Travis Mount the Rescue:

It's about time these guys do something. This is easily the most interesting thing to occur on this show, despite the fact that...
1. I don't think even the best directions could have gotten them to the parking lot
2. I don't think Madison's group would've ever run into Nick in that base 
3. I don't think they could have successfully lured that many zombies to the base without being noticed from a lot farther away.
4. I don't think that...out of a list of possible rescue options...luring a legion of zombies makes any sense...at all... (by the way, thanks for leaving the gate open back at home guys)
That aside, the entire base sequence was more interesting than hanging out in the neighborhood. We

Sunday, October 4, 2015

'The Martian': Random Screen Review

           Ridley Scotts's The Martian has finally arrived. In it, Matt Damon plays stranded Nasa astronaut Mark Watney who basically MacGyver's the hell out of his situation. As a whole, this movie certainly entertained. It was very intriguing to watch Mark solve every survival problem that arose. However, despite all the positive reviews this movie's received (a 94% on Rotten Tomatoes no less), and at the risk of sounding like a total hater, I wasn't really that blown away by The Martian. It was certainly worth watching, but I had some lingering issues with this one...Here are my thoughts...and yes, spoilers await...