Sunday, March 29, 2015

5 Thoughts On: The Walking Dead Season 5 Finale...

          Well, season 5 is behind us, and this episode was definitely one of the better ones. Just venting...but unfortunately father Gabriel wasn't one of those whom we thoughts...
No matter what happens, Rick always ends up killing
somebody with this same look every season...

1. Morgan is Officially Part of The Walking Dead Plot...ish:
The wolves shuffling through their
Walking Dead trading cards...
Who would have thought that a character who has appeared so little on this show would have so much hype behind his entry into the plot. I didn't think it would take this long but oh well. Unfortunately he came
upon Rick just as he was executing someone (with walker blood on his face no less). My only hope is that
Morgan will stick around...although he did say on Talking Dead that he could't confirm he'd be on for more than an episode...

2. The Teaser for Fear The Walking Dead:
It was brief but more than enough to keep me interested. What better way
to wait for a zombie show than to pass the time with a zombie show...

3. People are Being Spared that Shouldn't be Spared:
The two wolves try and kill Morgan, get the chance to leave then try and kill him again...and Morgan let's them live. Nicholas basically killed Noah, lied about it, lured Glenn in the forest, and shot him...and Glenn let him live. Father Gabriel basically killed his entire congregation, tried to bail out on our heroes while being attacked in the church, betrayed the group's reputation to Deanna, left the gate open, and offended the memory of Tyreese...and Sasha (and Maggie) lets him live.

4. I Thought Glenn Was Gonna Die and Almost Threw a Bag of Chips Over it:
I had heard rumors that Glenn wasn't going to survive the finale, so when he got shot and swarmed by zombies I feared for the worst. Thankfully for my health...that didn't happen.

5. Abraham Gave the Greatest Most Honest Speech Ever:
I'd love to have Abraham speak at every public event, and my birthday...

           Despite some of the slow episodes this season, I'm looking forward to seeing what a hardened Alexandria will look like...and how they'll deal with the wolves...

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