The Scouter:
DBZ characters stopped using these a while ago (they'ed always explode when someone's power level got too high). They should introduce a new one that can read higher powers. Why should they bring back
scouters you might ask? Basically because I think they look cool...
Future Trunks Shows Up:
The sword, the jacket, the...sword. How wild would it be for the Z fighters to get a surprise visit from future Trunks. Due to his alternate timeline he wouldn't bring any new tidings but I'm sure they could figure out a reason to bring him back. To make it even more interesting he should bring Bulma back with him. Or how about this, the Z fighter develop a time machine and an adult Gohan travels to Trunk's time where he battle's along side him...
What do you want to see happen on the next Dragon Ball Series? More Yajirobe?
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