Sunday, April 12, 2015

Thoughts On: Game of Thrones...Season 5 Premiere...

           I've been waiting for this show, you've been waiting for this show...Game of Thrones is finally back. Truth be told this was a slightly slower premiere (not that I expected a mind blowing betrayal ridden episode) thoughts...
Thats pretty much how he looked the whole episode...

Tyrion Will Visit Daenerys:
...Let me just say that Tyrion's self pity took up too much screen time. With that out of the way... I'm hoping it won't take him till the end of the season to meet Daenerys... because as we all know, Dany has moved at a snails pace. Regardless, the two uniting will be awesome, especially considering that..
a) Tyrion's brother killed the Mad
King, which should make for fun dinner conversation...and...
b) I'd never been able to envision an ending to show that had both succeed (considering that they are on
opposing families)...until now...

Mance Rayder's Death...:
I get why he decided not to bow down to Stannis, and I get why he was important to the Wildlings...but his character wasn't developed nearly enough to warrant his death capping the season premiere. Then Jon Snow (who apparently hash't discovered the fine political art of not drawing attention to yourself in a place where your boss hates you) shoots him anyways...a bit of an anti climax...
Update: (I don't read the books)My research has revealed to me that Mance doesn't die in the books, meaning that his "death" could be a big  twist, in which case...I retract the above point...Kudos for adding that to the premiere...

The Wars To Come:
Jon Snow pretty much always has this look on his face every season...
That was the name of the episode and probably the best part of it... We've known since the end of the War of the 5 kings (heck even since the beginning of the show) that there was war yet to be had. More than anything, this premiere told us that these large scale conflicts are going to get here soon. Stannis' war on the Lannisters (starting with Bolton), Dany's war to take Westeros, and the White Walkers war on everybody...

           Last season was decent, but this premier is telling me that big things are on the horizon. It's probably asking too much to expect Dany to cross the sea this season, but she'll at least set sail...if not book her ticket...if not learn how to kayak...and how about those Tyrells? I keep forgetting about them. Before we know it they could be running things in Kings Landing...oh yeah...dragons...

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