Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Leftovers Finale and Final Thoughts...

           I was really hoping The Leftovers season finale would live up to it's previous (incredible) episodes...and it did. I generally rate the quality of a Leftovers episode by how many times it confuses/ and or makes me cry...this episode had a bit of both...Here are my thoughts...

1. When John Shot Kevin... I Was Pissed:

Kevin had just come back from the dead for God's sake...The way he fell to the ground, the placement of the shot...I was sure he was dead. When Kevin woke up in the afterlife hotel, I'd had it. Maybe I was still getting over Glenn's (from The Walking Dead) near death experience... Either way, I was so relieved when Kevin karaoke'd his way back to life that I totally forgave how improbable it was for him to
have survived that in the first place...

2. The Bridge Scene, Holy Crap:

I honestly shed a tear watching Erika try to snap her daughter out of it... That's really all I got for that point. I hope the BluRay version of season 2 comes with a tissue dispenser... 

3. Nobody's Home? Go To Kevin's House:

This part of the episode really hit me. When Kevin arrived home after having survived his gun shot, he waves to John. John then asks him what to do if no one is home at his house... To which Kevin replies that he can come over. I really felt like that exchange summed up the whole show. The, "what if no one's home" part symbolized the departure, and the, "then come to my house" part symbolized coping with it. I could be wrong, but this made for a great season ender...speaking of which...

4. This Could've Been The End Of The Series:

For the first few days after the finale aired, everyone was stressing about how the show hadn't been renewed for a third season...I wasn't one of those people. Don't get me wrong, I really love this show (been on board since season 1 episode 1), but the second season was just so damn good (and wrapped up well), I'm worried it could go the way of Lost. Remember how that went? The last season's of Lost were confusing to a fault. Surprisingly, The Leftovers has managed to get away with intentionally confusing us every episode. If this were any other show, that would really annoy the hell outa everybody. Instead, the confusion surrounding the departure is something that what keeps us coming back. Wouldn't is suck if that very mystery lost it's charm? As it turns out, HBO did renew it for a third and final season, which I'm really excited about...especially that "final" part.

           What did you think? Are you happy with this season? You glad there's gonna be one more?

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