Tuesday, June 23, 2015

3 Thoughts On: True Detective Season 2 Premiere...

           After much waiting, True Detective is finally back, here are 3 thoughts on the premiere of season 2...

1. The Pace Was Awful:
I'll keep it real, this episode was slow and boring. It meandered between scenes using passing traffic shots, never doing enough to keep things interesting. When Farrell, met Taylor Kitsche and Rachel McAdams at the end, I found myself asking why the episode hadn't started that way...

2. The Timeline Switch:
I was going to be fine with the show disregarding that element, but episode 1 decided to include it. The timeline briefly changed to an unspecified year where Colin Farrell had no mustache in order to establish that he and Vince Vaughn had history. We didn't need a flash back to learn that...
3. The Characters Were Cliche:
Excessive drinking? check... Dysfunctional relationships? check... Estranged from family members? check. Ferrall, Kitsche and McAdams character's were dark to a fault. I didn't need to see 3 incarnations of Rusty Cohle this season. Vaughn was the only main character who didn't meet the previous criteria, but he wasn't relatable enough to counterbalance them. In short, I'm not really thrilled with this cast yet... Could all that character development pay off later? Sure, but so far it has come at the expense of the plot, which after such a slow start...better be good.

           To be honest I'm not even sure what the shows even about yet...something about Casper?... I'm crossing my fingers that something related to the 1st season will arrive to help this one out...

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