Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Thoughts On: True Detective S2E2...

           I'm really struggling to find anything (good) to say about this show. The premiere was slow (and that generous), episode 2 was not much better...
This same shot basically summarizes the 2nd episode...

1. The Moody, Broody, Dark, and Dreariness of the Show is Getting to Me:
I loved the thematic darkness of the first season, I think we all did, but season 2 is trying too hard. They even decided to include that depressing guitar girl from the first episode. Season 1 was able to get away with such darkness because Woody Harrelson's relatable character balanced everything out. Every character on this show is

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

3 Thoughts On: True Detective Season 2 Premiere...

           After much waiting, True Detective is finally back, here are 3 thoughts on the premiere of season 2...

1. The Pace Was Awful:
I'll keep it real, this episode was slow and boring. It meandered between scenes using passing traffic shots, never doing enough to keep things interesting. When Farrell, met Taylor Kitsche and Rachel McAdams at the end, I found myself asking why the episode hadn't started that way...

2. The Timeline Switch:
I was going to be fine with the show disregarding that element, but episode 1 decided to include it. The timeline briefly changed to an unspecified year where Colin Farrell had no mustache in order to establish that he and Vince Vaughn had history. We didn't need a flash back to learn that...

Saturday, June 20, 2015

6 Final Thoughts On: Game of Thrones Season 5 Finale...

           Well season 5 is now behind us. This finale definitely wasn't one of my favorites, and I'm sure is wasn't for you either...Here are my thoughts on the finale...and a reminder...I don't read the books...

1. The Battle at Winterfell:
It's not that I was expecting Stannis to win this battle, but I was hoping it would take up more screen time. The battle was over before I knew it, and so was (well we don't actually see him die, which matters, considering the violence this show is ok with showing) Stannis' entire role in the show. After all the talk, the marching, and black magic, his demise was really underwhelming.

2. Arya Scratches One Off The List:
I honestly haven't cared about what Arya's been doing all season. Her assassin training makes for excellent character development but her impact on the show isn't feeling like enough. Was I glad she

Saturday, June 13, 2015

20 Thoughts On: Jurassic World...

           Let me start by saying that, this movie was really something, which is why there will be a second posting about it. Did I enjoy Jurassic World? yes...Should you see it? yes... Was this movie full of cliches? Why yes...yes it was...here are 21...

Jurassic World Cliche List:
1) Guy gets the girl cliche
2) Kids gripe about having to spend time with relative cliche
3) Adults too busy for kids cliche
4) Animals have feelings vs No they don't cliche
5) Older brother doesn't care for little brother...but then changes his mind cliche
6) Older teen brother checks out girls cliche
7) Hero saves new guy who falls into the dino cage cliche
8) Only one person on the island knows how to fly a helicopter and is an amateur cliche

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

4 Thoughts On: Game of Thrones S5E9...

              This episode didn't follow last weeks White Walker attack particularly well. Here are 4 thoughts on episode 9...
Just replace them with Padme, Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Mace Windu...

1. Arya And Her Quest To Be Part Of The Plot:
I get that Ser Meryn Trant is on Arya's hit list, but he's not really one of the bad guys I care about. If Arya's season finishes with her merely scratching Trant off her list...I'll be disappointed...

2. Jamie and Bronn Win At Life And Wasting Our Time:
What started as a daring rescue turned into a season long misunderstanding. Not only are both being let go, but they got free brunch, Ellaria got grounded, and Myrcella and her boyfriend are going back with them...

3. Stannis Wins Father of The Year:
I get that burring his daughter at the stake cemented how far gone Stannis is, but it's placement in the

Monday, June 1, 2015

5 Thoughts On: Game of Thrones S5E8...

           Well the episode was kinda slow, and then suddenly it wasn't... Here are my thoughts on episode 8...

you know you imagined him holding a lightsaber...
1. The White Walker Attack Woke Me Up: 
I knew Jon wasn't going to leave the Wildling settlement without some fuss, but this attack came out of nowhere, and was awesome for 3 reasons...
1. Jon's sword withstood the White Walker attack...and even killed a White Walker lieutenant.
2. The Darth Maul Walker made an appearance, not to mention he woke the dead.
3. The sheer gravity of this engagement means that when the people of Westeros fight the White Walkers it will be epic.
The politics of this season started to drag a bit, so this encounter with the White Walker zombies was