(This was written as of Episode 5) I read an article (
http://bit.ly/1Dqm34y) which further reinforced my stance that
True Detective season 2 isn't very good. It basically asserts that people are having a hard time understanding the show. I'm barely able to follow it myself, and when I am, I kinda don't care. I mean, I only just realized that Colin ferrall's character is named Velcoro (before I thought they had been talking about velcro or something). If I hadn't looked up Rachel McAdam's character's name (Bezzerides) I never would have figured it out... Here are 5 reasons why this season has come up short...
This is literally how I look after watching each episode... |
1. The Plot is Confusing:
I don't get the conspiracy with the mayor or Masuka from Dexter. Something about diamonds and a missing girl...?
2 What is Vince Vaughn Doing Here?:
His acting is solid, but I don't think his character is really that essential to the show. Every time he comes on screen I know I can run to the bathroom...
3. Taylor Kitsch is Boring:
His character is the least interesting on the show. I get that his character is conflicted and down on his