Sunday, September 27, 2015

Fear The Walking Dead Episode 5 (Random Screen Guy's 100th Post)

           This episode continued to raise the stakes while still managing to remind me that Alicia probably shouldn't be on this show. Did that cattle gun totally remind you of No Country For Old Men? Yeah me too...Here are my random thoughts on Episode 5...

1. Daniel Kidnaping Andrew Was Next Level, but Borderline Incompetent:
I swear this man doesn't blink...
When Daniel first said his plan was to trade Andrew, I did a full eye roll. Luckily he had more honorable torture Andrew in order to gain information. It's truly a miracle that plan worked out. How could it've failed? Well, what if the military wasn't planning on leaving the next day? What if they weren't leaving till the following week or month? Hell, what if they weren't leaving at all? What if "Cobalt" was just the codename for meeting at Jack In The Box for lunch? Moyers would most definitely have traced it all back to Daniel since he himself saw Andrew leave with Ofelia. This plan could very well have landed Daniel right in the cell with Nick...Luckily for the Salazars...

2. Moyers Is (Was?) The Crappiest Bad Guy Ever And Was Totally Outdone By Daniel:
Is he alive? I hope not. He was a discount Governor at best and always seemed to do everything in his
power to look like a total moron. It's easier if I just make a short list...

1) He did the whole, "sorry I can't allow you to see your loved ones," thing.
2) He did the whole, "I can do what I want because I have guns," thing.
3) He tried to belittle Travis by trying to make him fire that Barrett at the zombie.

On the other hand, Daniel (who should officially go by, "The Barber" from now on) pretty much gained villain cred. All his story telling has served well to frame his actions this episode. He tortured a man, wore a wifebeater, got a bunch of blood on said wifebeater, and didn't show one sign of remorse. He's like the anti-Hershel.

3. The Writers Couldn't Think of Anything interesting for Chris and Alicia to Do:

Here's an idea, lets just have these two vandalize some house while playing dress up for the entire episode...
That would be boring you say? That would be the equivalent to Hershel's farm you say? I don't care that much for these two, but if your going to devote the screen time, why not have' em do something a little more worth while? At this point I'd rather have Chris practice his documentary skills (and possibly capture Bigfoot on camera) and have Alicia trade places with Nick...

4. The Most Annoying Character of The Week Is:

Moyers annoyed just a bit more than Shane and The Governor...Why? He failed at the art of the villain by boasting about how many walkers his men had killed and saying dumb crap like "is that a threat?" On top of that, he may very well have gotten himself camera no less. Speaking of which, anyone else think that soldier going to San Diego killed him?

What did you think? Are you creeped out by Daniel yet? Do you think Madison, Travis, and Daniel will mount a rescue mission?

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