Sunday, September 27, 2015

Fear The Walking Dead Episode 5 (Random Screen Guy's 100th Post)

           This episode continued to raise the stakes while still managing to remind me that Alicia probably shouldn't be on this show. Did that cattle gun totally remind you of No Country For Old Men? Yeah me too...Here are my random thoughts on Episode 5...

1. Daniel Kidnaping Andrew Was Next Level, but Borderline Incompetent:
I swear this man doesn't blink...
When Daniel first said his plan was to trade Andrew, I did a full eye roll. Luckily he had more honorable torture Andrew in order to gain information. It's truly a miracle that plan worked out. How could it've failed? Well, what if the military wasn't planning on leaving the next day? What if they weren't leaving till the following week or month? Hell, what if they weren't leaving at all? What if "Cobalt" was just the codename for meeting at Jack In The Box for lunch? Moyers would most definitely have traced it all back to Daniel since he himself saw Andrew leave with Ofelia. This plan could very well have landed Daniel right in the cell with Nick...Luckily for the Salazars...

2. Moyers Is (Was?) The Crappiest Bad Guy Ever And Was Totally Outdone By Daniel:
Is he alive? I hope not. He was a discount Governor at best and always seemed to do everything in his

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Fear The Walking Dead Episode 4...

           Episode 4 of Fear The Walking Dead might be my favorite one so far. While we didn't see a bunch of walkers eating people, the military presence loomed large enough to show us a new side of the apocalypse...

1. Nick Gets Taken By Surprise, Literally:
I really didn't see that coming. Nick has been really annoying pretty much every time he's on screen (and I was glad Madison slapped the crap out of him because he deserved it)...But even I was hoping he'd get away when Alicia told him to run.

2. The Classic, "No One Believes The Kid Scenario":
Sure, maybe his son didn't see anything, but would it have killed Travis to investigate that light? You mean to tell me that he believed Madison's druggy son when he

Monday, September 14, 2015

Fear The Walking Dead Episode 3...

           Well the kids weren't quite as annoying on this episode (because last episode was like having 3 Carls running around)...and there was definitely some zombie action. Here's Random Screen Guy's thoughts on episode 3...

1. Where's the Shells?:
I'm being over critical, but when Madison and her kids got back to their house and realized they forgot the shells, I did a full eye roll... Of course Alicia went back alone to get them, then of course she got lost in that weird maze thing...

2. Susan?...Susan?:
Are these people still trying to talk to the zombies in this episode? Travis has definitely seen enough to know there are infected people acting violently (get it together man, I thought you were supposed to