1. The Battle at Winterfell:

2. Arya Scratches One Off The List:
I honestly haven't cared about what Arya's been doing all season. Her assassin training makes for excellent character development but her impact on the show isn't feeling like enough. Was I glad she
killed Ser Meryn? Sure...Had I been crossing my fingers for his death? not too much...
3. Jaime and Bronn:

4. Sansa and Theon:
Its disappointing that their characters didn't progress beyond the victims they have been playing for several seasons now. I'm glad they're free, but I hope that ends up translating into some much needed character development...
5. Cersei's Walk Of Shame:
Was this necessary for Cersei's character? I'd say so...Was this scene well acted? Yes, absolutely. Was this scene too long? You damn right it was. I understand that HBO wanted to get their nudity's worth out of this finale, but it just went on and on. Her long walk was rewarded with a glimpse of the new Mountain, but by then the damage was done...

6. Jon Snow:
Everyone will be arguing all year long about whether he's dead, alive, or to be revived. The bottom line is that this season, on top of all it's short comings, didn't give Jon Snow much to do...so when his death scene occurred, I was less shocked/ sad and more frustrated and annoyed. I've since learned this does happen in the books, which is totally ok, I just wish such a crucial moment came off the heels of a more worthy season...
Have you recovered from the finale? What did you think about this season?
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