Dany in Mereen:
Ok, I realize that Dany has problems in Mereen (political turmoil, insurgency, death of her advisor)...but I'm really over her being there. The encounter between her, Jorah, and Tyrion better be worth her ongoing stay...(which will probably get longer now that she's going to marry that guy)
I officially Don't Care About Whats Going on in King's Landing:
Sure Cersei has a new religious movement under her grip, but the tension caused by Joffrey, Sansa, and Tyrion's (and at one point the threat of attack) presence was always a major point of interest.
None of them are there anymore. Instead, Loras being in jail is among the most pressing matters, and I can't say I care that much about him...

When Ramsey was going on and on about Theon, I thought I was witnessing all of Sansa's Joffrey experiences all over again. I'm glad Roose could deliver something capable of silencing the dinner table...
Jon Snow Is Kinda Boring Me:
We're half way through the season and Snow is finally going on a quest of some kind. Something tells me Stannis won't be getting all his ships back...
Jaime's SEAL Team 6 Mission:
We didn't see either of them this episode, but after thinking about it, we didn't really need to. As much as I like Jaime and Bronn, nothing about rescuing Myrcella really has any bearing on the show. I hope they survive the mission and aren't killed meaninglessly as Barristan was. On a similar and unrelated note, It still irritates me that Jaime has romantic feelings for Cersei at this point...makes me feel like his character hasn't progressed very much...
I'm really hoping the second half of this season is a game changer, because so far it's a little slower that I would like. It's also a concern that the show would kill off Ser Barristan and Mance Rayder, two characters who didn't die in the books. While I'm all for changing things up, their deaths don't seem to have served any purpose. Hopefully the show doesn't make a habit of that...
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