1. It's Moody:
Night shots, rain, Jeremy Iron's voice, religious/ philosophical statements...this teaser came across very heavy. Man of Steel's moodiness was like a character all its own. This teaser tells me that Zack Snyder isn't going to shift his mood (or color) palette too far.
2. The Riddler?
There was a giant question mark in minute 1:20...I haven't heard anything about the Riddler being in this movie (probably because Jim carrey's rendition can't be unseen), but maybe this is foreshadowing something even farther away that 2016...
3. Batman's Suit:

One can't help but compare this teaser to the Star Wars one...because lets face it, it's still on everyone's mind. That said, this teaser didn't register very high emotionally. Sure Batman and Superman are long standing characters, but the connection to the actors who play them isn't there (I don't know that I could ever feel an emotional connection to any character that Ben Affleck plays). This teaser would have faired better to have come out any week but this one...
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