Let me start by saying that I love
Star Wars. That being said, the prequels are painful, Empire is the best, Midichlorians are crap, yadayada. After paying for a
Hunger Games ticket just to see the teaser (for the big screen experience, I realize it was online), I came away with the following realizations...
Item 1, The New Lightsaber:
Lets just get this one done with, the new lightsaber is crap. If there is, has been, and always should be one factor from Star Wars that sets it apart from the rest of science fiction, its the damn lightsaber. This new saber didn't even have a solid blade, which bothered me almost as much as that awful cross guard (that everyone by now must realize doesn't protect squat) Maybe they have different lightsabers north of the wall.
Item 2, CGI...:
What the hells up with that CGI
Falcon? The
X Wings didn't look great either. Seeing the
Falcon reminded me of seeing those prairie dogs in
Crystal Skull.

Item 3, The R2 Unit:
Lets face it, the R2 unit was on a Jabulani and it looked stupid.
Item 4, The Title:
It really doesn't help that the title of this movie isn't great. The way it slowly faded into the end of the teaser looked like I could have made it on pinnacle studio.